Dark Horse Comics is an independent comic book publisher known for its wide range of titles, including licensed properties and original creations. In this article, we will explore the history of Dark Horse Comics, its impact on the industry, and some of its most popular titles.

The Founding of Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Comics was founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson. Initially, the company published black and white comics, but it quickly expanded to include color titles and licensed properties. Some of its early notable titles include "Dark Horse Presents" and "Aliens."

The Impact of Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Comics has had a significant impact on the comic book industry. The company has published a wide range of titles, including licensed properties such as "Star Wars," "Aliens," and "Predator," as well as original creations such as "Sin City" and "Hellboy."

Dark Horse Comics also played a role in the creation of the comic book direct market. In the 1980s, comic book publishers relied heavily on newsstand sales, but Dark Horse Comics and other independent publishers helped create a new distribution system that focused on selling comics directly to comic book shops.

Popular Dark Horse Comics Titles

Dark Horse Comics has published a wide range of popular titles over the years. Some of the most notable include:

  • "Hellboy" by Mike Mignola: This series follows the adventures of a demon who works for a secret organization that fights supernatural threats. It has been adapted into multiple films and television shows.

  • "Sin City" by Frank Miller: This series is a neo-noir crime story set in a fictional city. It has been adapted into a popular film series.

  • "Usagi Yojimbo" by Stan Sakai: This series is a historical fiction comic set in feudal Japan and follows the adventures of a ronin rabbit. It has won multiple awards and is highly acclaimed by critics and fans alike.

Other popular Dark Horse Comics titles include "The Umbrella Academy," "B.P.R.D.," "Black Hammer," and "The Goon."

In conclusion, Dark Horse Comics has had a significant impact on the comic book industry. The company's wide range of titles, including licensed properties and original creations, has attracted a diverse audience. With its innovative and groundbreaking titles, Dark Horse Comics has cemented its place as one of the most important publishers in the industry.